Bugs, Balance, and Features
Patch 2.5.9 - TBD TBD
EMP mass decreased to 16 (from 20)
Bug Fixes
A unit that exceeds 100 mass will no longer be removed from the map.
Patch 2.5.8 - Monsters! 3-7-25
Base ships now start 8000 pixels from the center (from 7000)
Heavy Modifier
Applies 2.5 times bonus (from 2.4)
Applies 3.5 times mass (from 3.0)
Medium structure reduced to 450 (from 500)
Heavy strcture reduced to 600 (from 700)
Assault structure reduced to 750 (from 900)
Pullbeam range decreased to 600 (from 700)
Pullbeam mass decreased to 4 (from 8)
Plating mass increased to 8 (from 6)
Plating defense increased to 350 (from 300)
Munitions mass increased to 6 (from 4)
ApolloMod healing bonus reduced to 25% (from 50%)
ApolloMod duration reduced to 6 seconds (from 8)
DionysusMod duration reduced to 6 seconds (from 8)
PythiaMod duration reduced to 6 seconds (from 8)
PersesusMod duration reduced to 1 second (from 2)
PoiseidonMod push effect increased to 25% (from 20%)
Quality of Life
Updated MyTeam and Simple to better model using the updated buildUnit
Updated MyTeam and Simple with more color-swap friendly colors
Bug Fixes
Zeus Mod now correctly reduces accuracy by half rather than reducing it to 0.
Patch 2.5.7 - Glorious Recovery 2-25-25
User Interface
Updated Unit Lists to have consistent ordering, rather than mirror image
Added the "Crescent" art style for units
Bug Fixes
Resource mass now correctly applies to Gatherer units
Glory now correctly applies the healing bonus
Node Health increased to 3000 (from 2500)
Node Resource amount reduced to 10 (from 14)
Nodes also drop an additional 2 resources when destroyed
Base Ship Speed decreased to 3.0 (from 3.5)
Base ship health increased to 40k (from 8k)
Collector mass increased to 8 (from 4)
Drillbeam mass decreased to 12 (from 16)
Resource mass decreased to 2 (from 3)
Destroyed units now drop less scrap.
LIGHT: 0 to 1, MEDIUM: 1, HEAVY: 1 or 2, ASSAULT: 2
Autocannon damage decreased to 13 (from 14)
Repairbeam healing value decreased to 5 (from 6)
Gravitational Rift duration increased to 8 seconds (from 6)
Gravitational Rift cooldown decreased to 30 seconds (from 33)
EMP duration increased to 4 seconds (from 3)
EMP cooldown decreased to 60 seconds (from 67)
Missile attributes changed to reduce objects on screen
Damage increased to 55 (from 30)
Radius increased to 125 (from 100)
Use Time increased to 240 (from 120)
Cooldown increased to 240 (from 120)
Plating defense decreased to 300 (from 400)
Munition range bonus increased to 80 (from 50)
AthenaMod radius bonus increased to 60% (from 50%)
Patch 2.5.6 - Chat 2-13-25
Chat System
Added a system to send "chat" messages during matches
Your player class can now call two versions. The first sends a message immediately, the second adds a check to confirm that the time matches the specific game time (in frames).
public void chat(String message)
public void chat(String message, int time)
The chat system prevents duplicate messages; you can never send the same message twice.
You can make taunts and messages based on situations in the game, or even to target specific opponents by using their name. This is especially encouraged for the tournament.
Clicking on the minimap moves the camera to that location
Pressing "F" while a unit is selected will follow that unit
Game Pace and Economy
Base Ship Speed decreased to 3.5 (from 4)
Resources now have 3 mass each
Collector mass decreased to 4 (from 16)
Destroyed units drop resources (scrap) equal to their cost minus two.
Autocannon damage decreased to 14 (from 15)
Pullbeam range increased to 700 (from 500)
Pullbeam force increased to 6 (from 5)
Gravitational Rift radius increased to 300 (from 250)
EMP radius increased to 600 (from 500)
Destroyer damage bonus decreased to 25% (from 30%)
Artillery range bonus increased to 150 (from 100)
HermesMod now reduces use time by 50% (From 80%) but provides an additional range
KratosMod now fires two normal damage shots, instead of 1 shot at triple damage.
Patch 2.5.5 - Titan's Wrath 2-4-25
This patch has a lot of changes, but tends to focus on improving offensive over defense, and making heavier ships competitive. Weapons slow the user down more during activation. Many mods have been improved, especially those for the Repairbeam.
Node Health increased to 2500 (from 2000)
Frame mass values have been tweaked again, further narrowing the range and adding mass
Light Mass is 20 (from 14)
Medium Mass is 26 (from 22)
Heavy Mass is 32 (from 30)
Assault Mass remains 38
Frame structure modified
Medium Structure increased to 500 (from 450)
Heavy Structure increased to 700 (from 600)
Assault Structure increased to 900 (from 750)
Transport structure increased to 100 (from 0)
Bastion structure decreased to 400 (from 500)
Prototype mass decreased to 8 (from 10)
All mid-sized model mass decreased to 4 (from 5)
Autocannon and Laser cooldowns decreased by 30 frames
Missile damage increased to 30 (from 25)
Weapon use time slowdown increased. See sheet for details on each weapon.
Small slowdown 8% --> 20%
Medium slowdown 16% --> 25%
Major slowdown 24% --> 30%
Missile speed increased to 65 (from 60)
Missile Z-Axis distance on a miss is more randomized, and declines linearly
Anti-Missile System range increased to 700 (from 600)
Anti-Missile System cooldown increased to 10 (from 5)
Anti-Missile System damage increased to 3 (from 1)
Shield defense reduced to 300 (from 500)
Shield regen increased to 6 (from 5)
Plating defense reduced to 400 (from 500)
Plating mass increased to 6 (from 4)
All mods now have 2 mass
CerberusMod damage reduced to 35 (from 40)
PoseidonMod damage bonus increased to 4% (from 2.5%)
AthenaMod radius bonus increased to 50% (from 35%)
ArtemisMod now also increases missile accuracy 25%
HermesMod now also increases missile speed by 50%
AchillesMod health threshold increased to 150 (from 100)
ApolloMod's glory duration increased to 8 seconds (from 4)
PerseusMod's fortify duration increased to 2 seconds (from 1)
NyxMod duration increased to 12 seconds (from 8)
AresMod range block penetration increased to 75% (from 50%)
Glory now provides 50% bonus healing (from 20%)
Revelry now provides 50 power (from 25)
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug that allowed ships to exceed component caps by using Heavy Plating, Heavy Shield, or Heavy Munitions. When a unit tries to go over maximum components, the user is more clearly alerted to the error.
Patch 2.5.4 - Missile Update 1-30-25
Missiles effective range is increased to 140% of its actual range to account for the delay on reaching a locked target.
Missile trigger radius decreased to 15 (from 25) making it less likely to hit an interposing unit.
When a missile is dodged and fails to lock-on, missiles will decrease in size, trigger radius, and splash damage radius each frame, representing it going off course in the Z axis.
Missiles can now be affected by zones, such as Gravitational Rift and Energy Web.
A unit now is aware when a missile is locked on it. This information can be used to attempt to manually evade missiles. Access this by:
public boolean hasMissileLockedOnMe()
This tells you if you have at least one missile locked on you
public MissileEntity getNearestMissileLockedOnMe()
This gets the nearest missile to you that has a lock on you
In addition, MissileEntities now report how much time they have left in frames:
public int getTimeLeft()
Base Ship Weapon Damage Reduced to 300% (from 400%)
Base ships no longer circle each other, but rather fight side by side at the end of a match
Frame mass values have been tweaked to narrow the range of speeds in the game slightly:
Light Mass is 14 (from 10)
Medium Mass is 22 (from 20)
Heavy Mass remains 30
Assault Mass is 38 (from 40)
All models have mass decreased by 5
Block reduced to 0% (from 5%)
Structure increased to 100 (from 50).
Block reduced to 0% (from 10%)
Structure increased to 500 (from 200)
Power reduced to 0% (from 20%)
Range bonus increased to 100 (from 50)
Destroyer (new)
Provides 30% Power
Autocannon accuracy increased to 25 (from 20)
Laser accuracy increased to 50 (from 40)
Collector mass decreased to 16 (from 20)
Drillbeam mass decreased to 16 (from 20)
Speed Boost
Mass decreased to 0 (from 2)
Duration increased to 360 (from 300)
Shield Recovery Time Increased to 480 (from 320)
Plating Block value decreased to 7% (from 8%)
PoseidonMod now deals additional damage equal to 2.5% of your current shield. Knockback effect duration reduced by 25%.
ZeusMod now adds 300 range but reduces accuracy by 25%
Bug Fixes
dbgMessage no longer displays duplicate messages when the duration is set to 1
Skybox display glitch in bottom-right of screen at high resolution resolved.
Base Ship cannot be repaired
Collectors will now more reliably pull in minerals, increased pull to 220 (from 160).
Patch 2.5.3 - Streamlining 1-15-25
These changes are being made to make matches complete faster and improve performance for the average team.
Maximum Fleet Size Reduced to 80 (from 100)
Node resource changes
Node Health reduced to 2000 (from 3000)
Base Ship speed increased to 3.0 (from 2.5)
"Heavy" Damage Modifier increased from 2.2 to 2.4
All Defenses Reworked
Shield provides 500 Shield and 5 Regen / Second
Plating provides 500 Plating and 8% Block
Patch 2.5.2 - Tournament Balancing 3-19-24
Autocannon damage reduced to 15 (from 16), accuracy reduced to 20 (from 25), and mass increased to 3 (from 2)
Laser damage reduced to 35 (from 40), accuracy reduced to 40 (from 50), and mass increased to 5 (from 4)
Missile damage reduced to 25 and mass increased to 7 (from 6)
Munitions damage bonus has been reduced to 25 (from 30) and range bonus has been reduced to 50 (from 100)
Frame mass restored to original progression (10 / 20 / 30 / 40) and model mass increased to original progression (5/10/15) due to reduced mass of heavy weapons in the last patch.
Frame health and block modified to decrease the effective health of assault ships without armor, while amplifying the benefit to assaults using armor. This was done by trading raw structure for block %.
Medium 500 / 5% --> 400 / 10%
Heavy 700 / 10% --> 500 / 20%
Assault 900 / 15% --> 600 / 30%
Plating health increased by to 450 (from 400) and mass decreased to 4 (from 6)
Shield health increased to 300 (from 250) and block increased to 5 (from 4)
Artillery range bonus decreased to 30 (from 50)
Repairbeam range increased to 600 (from 500)
CommandRelay radius reduced to 250 (from 300)
Bug Fixes
The Artillery model now provides its range bonus
Command Relay now benefits from AthenaMod
Patch 2.5.1 - Reduced Firepower March 13, 2024
Heavy weapons now deal 2.2x damage and 3.0x mass (back to original values, had previously been 2.5x damage and 3.5x mass).
Munitions mass increased to 4 (from 2)
Artillery mass decreased to 8 (from 12)
Bastion bonus structure increased to 200 (from 100) and mass decreased to 8 (from 12)
Cruiser bonuses increased (40-->50 structure, 4->5% block, 8->10% power, 8->10% accuracy) and mass increased to 10 (from 8)
Bugs and Code Improvements
Munitions now correctly applies a 30% bonus to power, rather than the undocumented value of 40%.
Patch 2.5.0 - The Return of the King March 12, 2024
Unit defenses have been improved across the board, making fights harder to resolve in an initial volley. Due to increased survivability, minerals per asteroid have been decreased (while they take the same amount of time to mine) to avoid battlefields becoming too stagnant with surplus units.
Expanded the KD Tree System to improve efficiency
Nodes provide an average of 14 resources (down from 16)
Electromagnetic Pulse radius increased to 500 (from 400) and use time decreased to 60 (from 100)
Gravitational Rift mass decreased to 20 (from 30), radius decreased to 250 (from 350), duration decreased to 6 seconds (from 8), and pull force increased. Now correctly applies mass to affect pull force, similar to Pullbeam.
Energy Web radius decreased to 500 (from 600)
Command Relay power bonus increased to 20 (from 20)
Missile duration is reduced so that it no longer extends past the max range on a miss.
Defense Rework
Light frames structure increased to 300 from 250 and has 0 base block.
Medium frame structure increased to 500 from 400 and has 5 base block.
Heavy frame structure increased to 700 from 550 and has 10 base block
Assault frame structure increased to 900 from 700 and has 15 base block
Shield increased to 250 shield and 4 block (from 200 shield and 3 block)
Plating increased to 400 plating and 10 block (from 300 plating and 6 block)
ZeusMod (Lightning Bolt) implemented. Chance for lasers to deal double damage and stun for a short duration.
AthenaMod (Tactical X) implemented. Increases area-of-effect of weapons.
NarcissusMod (Mirror Shield / Drive) implemented. Doubles efficacy of Barrier or Speed Boost.
SisyphusMod (Rift / EMP Repeater) implemented. Reduces cooldown of paired weapon by 40%
HadesMod (Stygian Beam / Shot) duration increased to 24 (from 12)
KratosMod (Impact Cannon) now has a 25% accuracy penalty
PythiaMod (Omen Beam) has duration increased to 8 (from 6)
DionysusMod (Revelry Beam) has duration increased to 8 (from 6)
CerberusMod (Inferno Launcher) damage increased to 40 over 8 seconds (from 30 over 10 seconds) and mass increased to 6 (from 2). This means it does more damage than additional missiles, but applies over time. It is no longer lighter than an additional missile.
Bugs and Code Improvements
Reworked both pull and push code to be more consistent, applying the Push and Pull conditions.
Minor Update 2.4.0 - Glory and Decay March 4, 2024
Weapons no longer require the target to stay in range for the duration of the use time in order to attack. As long as a target is in range at the moment you activate the weapon, you'll be able to complete the action. This change is designed to reduce tedious optimizations around maximum range, especially when related to buffs like Omen.
Player Difficulty no longer scales starting resources, but does scale unit health. (This makes handicaps stronger)
BaseShip power increased to 400% (from 100%) and fire rate reduced to 100% (from 300%). In addition, it uses a HeavyLaser instead of a HeavyAutocannon
Optimized core code for getting units by team, increasing efficiency of a number of methods
getFleetValueUnitPercentage() replaces the old method getFleetValuePercentage()
This provides the % of the fleet's total value from units of the specified type
getFleetValueComponentPercentage() was added
This provides the % of the fleet's total value from units that are carrying a specific component
RepairBeam healing reduced to 6 (from 12) and cooldown reduced to 60 (from 150)
Pullbeam range reduced to 500 (from 600)
Missile duration has been increased by 10%
Missile use time decreased by 60 and cooldown increased by 60
Laser use time decreased by 30 and cooldown increased by 30
Collector slow effect on use increased to 40 (from 20)
Collector pull effect on resources increased to 160 (from 40)
Light frame cost reduced to 12 (from 18)
Medium frame cost reduced to 20 (from 24)
Heavy frame cost reduced to 28 (from 30)
AchillesMod (Final Shot) implemented. Destroys units with less than 100 structure.
PythiaMod (Oracle Beam) is implemented, providing the Omen buff. This improves the target's range and accuracy for 4 seconds.
HadesMod (Stygian Beam / Shot) is implemented, providing the Decay buff. This reduces the duration of buffs on the target and prevents them from being repaired for the duration.
KratosMod (Impact Cannon) mass increased to 6 (from 2)
DionysusMod (Revelry Beam) duration increased to 6 seconds (from 4) and power bonus decreased to 20 (from 50).
PythiaMod (Oracle Beam) duration increased to 6 seconds (from 4)
ApolloMod (Solar Beam) now applies the Glory buff, which reduces duration of debuffs (rather than removing them instantly) and provides a bonus to the target's healing recieved.
PoseidonMod (Tidal Blast) push effect increased to 50 (from 35), but reduced by the target's mass (as a percentage)
Added UI elements to display the number of units and lost of each type by each player
Delphi Temple spacing and colors changed
Gravitational Rift now correctly has a max range of 600, rather than 0.
Command Relay now correctly adds 20% damage, rather than 120% damage.
Patch 2.3.1 - Movement Fix February 22, 2024
Rather than slowing by 50% when using a weapon, each weapon has a value called UseSlow which determines how much it slows the movement while in use.
Multiple weapon uses stack this slow penalty
Minor Update 2.3.0 - Hunters and Healers February 21, 2024
Modifiers now apply to starting resources
For example, a team with 120% difficulty will start with 60 * 1.2 = 72 resources
Doubled the number of music tracks in the game
Added feature to display the name and artist at the start of a match
Added team-specific music. Always based on the right-hand team.
Splash Screen
Added system to have randomized load screens
Light Frames mass increased from 10 to 18
Medium Frame mass increased from 20 to 24
Heavy Frame mass decreased from 32 to 30
Assault Frame mass decreased from 40 to 36
Heavy components increased to 3.5x base mass (from 3x)
Autocannon accuracy increased to 25 (from 20)
Laser accuracy increased to 50 (from 40)
Missile damage reduced to 30 (from 32)
Collector mass reduced to 20 (from 30)
Drillbeam mass reduced to 20 (from 40)
RepairBeam cooldown is increased to 150 (from 120).
Pullbeam pull effect decreased to 4 (from 5)
Pullbeam range decreased to 600 (from 700)
Electromagnetic Pulse radius decreased to 400 (from 600)
Electromagnetic Pulse duration decreased to 180 (from 240)
EnergyWeb mass decreased to 10 (from 20)
EnergyWeb radius increased to 600 (from 500)
Shield mass increased to 4 (from 2)
Shield recovery time has been increased to 6 seconds (from 4)
Munitions mass decreased to 2 (from 4)
KratosMod (Impact Canon) has duration reduced to 1 frame (down from 30)
PoseidonMod (Tidal Blast) no longer causes a penalty to weapon use time and cooldown
HermesMod (Swiftflight Missile) is implemented. Converts 80% of the weapon's use time into cooldown. This means you can more easily move while firing.
ApolloMod (Solar Beam) is fully rebuilt. It now removes negative conditions on the target.
PerseusMod (Aegis Beam) is implemented, providing a brief Fortify buff and allows healers to repair shields.
DionysusMod (Revelry Beam) is implemented, providing the Revelry buff. This improves the target's power and speed for 4 seconds.
Splash damage in the previous version had been reducing damage by dodge chance; this has been changed to simply allow units to dodge splash damage as they would any other attack. As part of this change, a bug that was causing high-mass units to reduce splash damage was removed.
Added method to the Unit class called getPullTimer() and getPushTimer() which return how many frames it has been since a target was last pushed. If a target has never been pushed/pulled, this timer will reflect the number of frames the target was alive.
Minor Update 2.2.0 - Models and Float Text February 7, 2024
Added Model System
Each ship can choose a Model in addition to a Frame
A model provides small specialized benefits and affects your ship's base mass
A ship without a model with default to the balanced archetype known as a Cruiser, so this system is optional for beginning players.
Added FloatText to display damage, dodge, and healing
User Interface now tracks all damage mitigation as Guard, rather than dodge %
This value is the total % of damage you have reduced from block + dodging.
Core Gameplay
Block and Power conditions are are now additive with components, rather than multiplicative
"Heavy" Components deal 2.5x damage (up from 2.2)
The base ship's speed, Frame.COLLOSSAL_SPEED reduced to 2.5 (from 3.0)
Rebalanced core weapon types substantially
All weapons are much more damaging overall
Autocannons and Lasers have less accuracy
Autocannons fire fewer shots but each shot deals more damage
Missiles area of effect increased to 120 (from 90)
Pullbeam pull effect decreased to 5 (from 7)
Pullbeam mass reduced to 8 (from 12)
Anti Missile System and Rift range decreased to 600 (from 700)
Anti Missile System damage halved and slot cost reduced to 1 (from 2)
RepairBeam only costs 1 slot (from 2) and has had base healing and mass reduced proportionally
Added the HeavyRepairBeam
Barrier duration and cooldown increased by about 3x each
This makes using barrier a more impactful decision
Plating and Shield have been rebalanced, putting more emphasis on Block.
Plating has been slightly improved relative to Shield's previous version.
Added the Munitions and HeavyMunitions upgrade
Provides a bonus to unit power and range
ApolloMod has been added. Allows repairbeam to heal shields.
KratosMod has been added. Applies a short duration Stop effect on hit.
AresMod has been modified to penetrate half of the target's block.
CerberusMod damage is now a fixed value, but ignores all of the target's block.
PoseidonMod use time / cooldown penalty reduced to 120% (from 200%), but has push effect reduced to 35 (from 40).
Some weapon values in the game did not match the spreadsheet; these values are now correct.
Player Difficulty scaling was incorrectly affecting damage values. It now only applies to resource gain.
HeavyPlating is now correctly size 2 in game
Pullbeam efficacy now correctly scales with the target's mass.
Many utility weapons now correctly have 100% accuracy, not 0%
AntiMissile system animation now displays correctly
Missiles now deal half damage if they collide with a target on a miss
Organization and Names
Starter teams are now called "Foes"
Renamed DamageTakenMultiplier to "Block" This inverted some values that may be used by some players, like Barrier's damage reduction.
Renamed DamageMultiplier to "Power"
Removed legacy code relating to damage types applying extra damage to certain defenses. Weapons were not using these values, so this did not affect balance.
Minor Update 2.1.0 - Old Heroes, New Foes January 30, 2024
Introduced Foes (new Starter Teams)
Each starter team has a distinct strategy, and is a little more advanced than the old ones. They are still quite dumb by design.
Teams are named in honor of past Astraeus teams
You can find the full information on the Foes page.
Improved Title Screen
Includes a system to showcase screenshots after 20 seconds
Improved Gameplay UI
Rebalanced speed, acceleation, and mass (see below)
Rebalanced starting minerals and resource gain
Rebalanced frames
Core Gameplay
Units move faster by default to compensate for the built-in mass from frames. In addition, core speed values have been increased to promote better dodge scaling.
Values.SPEED reduced by 20% from .05 to .04
Mass applies twice the penalty to acceleration as it does to speed
Missile physics adjusted to compensate for all new changes
Frames have changed
Light cost is reduced to 3 (from 4)
Medium cost is reduced to 4 (from 6)
Heavy cost is reduced to 5 (from 8)
Heavy health is reduced to 550 (from 650)
Assault cost is reduced to 6 (from 10)
Assault health is reduced to 700 (from 1000)
Starting minerals reduced (from 80 to 60)
Resources per node increased (from 10 to 16)
Missile mass decreased (8 --> 6)
Collector mass increased (20 --> 30)
Drillbeam mass increased (20 --> 30)
Repairbeam mass decreased (20 --> 10)
Barrie block bonus decreased (35 --> 30)
Barrier provides immunity to push and pull effects
PoseidonMod has been implemented
AresMod now provides 2 bonus shots and 100 max range (up from +30% shots)
AresMod mass increased (0 --> 8)
ArtemisMod mass increased (0 --> 6)
CerberusMod mass increased (0 --> 4)
EosMod mass increased (0 --> 2)
Collector mass increased (20 --> 30)
Drillbeam mass increased (30 --> 40)
Bug Fixes
ArtemisMod now correctly has 200 range, not 2000 range.
Repairbeam max range is correctly 500, not 0.
Secondary weapons now display the correct color to match their type.
Names and Organization
Units can now be created using class names (do not need to initialize).
Old style has been left in the game for compatibility
Gunner style is renamed to Cannon
Repairbeam moved to the utility package
Major Update 2.0.0 - Mods and Mass January 23, 2024
This version is not backward compatible with previous versions. You'll need to update old teams to make them work with this system.
Unit Cap Increase to 100
Nodes provide roughly half as many resources
Units and Old Weapons
Weapons have been streamlined, many have been rolled into mods (see below)
Frames are significantly rebalanced, including component slots
Many upgrades have been removed from the game
Collector now has a single-target pullbeam, rather than a radial pull effect
Aegis renamed to Barrier. Applies a limited duration buff, rather than a toggle.
Mass System
All components and frames now have a mass value which affects the unit's speed and acceleration. These are on a scale of 0-100, and reduces movement by a corresponding percentage. For example, a ship with 70 mass moves at 30% speed. When firing, your mass penalty to movement is doubled. The ship in the previous example would move at 15% speed while using a weapon.
This system replaces fixed frame speeds as well as movement penalty modifiers from weapons and upgrades.
Units with higher mass are more resistant to push and pull effects.
Mod System
In addition to weapons and upgrades, a new type of component called mods have been added
Each unit can posses a maximum of one mod.
Mods provide specialized but powerful effects
Mods are considered an advanced system, and are easy for new players to avoid engaging with until they feel comfortable.
Some syntax has been modified and streamlined. For example, you can now add any component in your design method by class name, ex: add(Autocannon.class).
Major refactor to implementations of Weapons and components
Major refactor to how most attributes are tracked inside of the Unit class
Removed redudant systems related to weapon speed penalties and frame speeds
Deleted a lot of lines of code
Patch 1.1.2 - Small Updates February 4, 2024
Bug Fixes
Correctly applied the changes to acceleration by frame documented in 1.1.0:
Acceleration - Light (50), Medium (38), Heavy (26), Assault (14)
The constant Resource.RESOURCE_SPEED determines max speed of moving resources. It is now is set to 15, rather than ASSAULT_SPEED. This is a decrease from recent speeds, but similar to what it was in older patches before assault max speed was increased.
Base Ships move faster, as the constant FRAME.COLOSSAL_SPEED has increased from 2.4 to 3
Pull Effect restored to 1.1.0 value (4000-->3000)
Increased range substantially (600-->800)
Increased pull effect (8 --> 10)
Shadowflight Missile
Movement penalty increased (LIGHT-->MEDIUM)
Range decreased (1000-->850)
Accuracy decreased (60-->45)
Damage decreased (10 --> 8)
Pulse duration increased significantly (520-->780)
Range bonus decreased from 15% to 10%
Added free floating minerals to Delphi Temple map
Patch 1.1.1 - Energy Web February 2nd, 2023
Bug Fixes
Energy Siphon cannot restore shields when the unit is affected by Pulse.
System Balance
Frame Rebalance
Max Speed - Light (75-->60), Medium (60 --> 50), Heavy (45-->40), Assault (30-->30)
Shadowflight Missile
Can now be targeted by Anti-Missile System, however they have a 50% chance to evade this attack.
Energy Web
The energy web is a utility weapon that can be toggled on or off. While active, it creates a radius around the unit in which nearby enemy units are slowed and have their shields take damage. This weapon is size 2 and has a MEDIUM movement penalty.
Flak Battery
Movement penalty reduced from HEAVY to MEDIUM
Size reduced (2-->1)
Pull Effect Increased (3000-->4000)
Range Increased (400-->450)
Cargo Bay
Structure Bonus increased (100 --> 150)
Credit to team kszed for developing an exceptionally effective light unit strategy!
Minor Update 1.1.0 - The Upgrade Update January 31, 2023
Bug Fixes
Acceleration was being modified by the wrong value (base speed) rather than base acceleration when affected by a condition
Inferno Launcher now always prevents healing
Difficulty is now correctly applying to all unit defenses (in addition to damage and resources)
System Balance
Damage Types
Most weapons no longer provide automatic bonus damage vs. armor types, except:
Pulse Cannon deals 50% more damage vs. shields
Inferno Launcher deals 50% more damage vs. structure
Railgun deal 50% more damage vs. plating
Frame Rebalance
Structure - Light (400), Medium (500), Heavy (600), Assault (700)
Acceleration - Light (50), Medium (38), Heavy (26), Assault (14)
Base Movement Scalars
Global acceleration decreased by 50%
Weapon Speed Penalties
Light is 20% active / 10% passive (less penalty)
Medium is 40% active / 20% passive (less penalty)
Heavy is 80% active / 40% passive (more penalty)
Stop is 100% active / 50% passive
Accuracy Rebalance
Small weapons are about 20% more accurate
Medium weapons are about 10% more accurate
Explosive Weapons
Area of effect increased by about 35%
Damage is decreased by about 10%
Missile health halved
Flak Battery
Slow effect increased (60% --> 70% speed penalty). Still stacks duration, not effect.
Slow duration per hit increased (10-->16 frames)
Mass Driver
Movement penalty reverted to LIGHT
Movement penalty reverted to HEAVY
Damage reduced (80-->65)
Deal 50% extra damage to plating
Pulse Cannon
Deal 50% extra damage to shields
Inferno Launcher
Deal 50% extra damage to structure (base damage only)
Block value increased (6% to 7%)
Plating bonus increased (300 --> 350)
Plating now applies a small speed penalty (2%)
Repair efficiency bonus decreased (25% to 20%)
Shield bonus decreased (300 --> 250)
Shield recovery time increased (180-->240 frames)
Anti Missile System
Cooldown increased (3-->5)
Cargo Bay
Also provides a bonus of +100 structure
Nanobot Hull
Also provides a bonus of +100 structure
Reduced regeneration (6-->5)
Accuracy bonus reduced (35% --> 25%)
Accuracy bonus is now calculated as an additive bonus rather than a scaling multiplier.
Titan Core
Accuracy bonus reduced (35% --> 10%)
Accuracy bonus is now calculated as an additive bonus rather than a scaling multiplier.
Difficulty scaling is fixed, hooray.
New acceleration rules will benefit teams with precise movement.
The real contest: Fuego vs. Old Feugo
Who needs defense, anyway?
Patch 1.0.2 - The Frame Patch January 13, 2023
Added an onBuild() method that is called when a unit is constructed. You can override this to trigger effects when a unit is created, such as tagging it with an ID value.
Aegis no longer double counts its block bonus
Repair Beam and Shield Battery can no longer be used on yourself (min range is 10)
Removed legacy code that was applying a few boons to your team's defenses, providing a bonus that is not intended to be in the game. This affected anyone who still was applying the Armorer, Guardian, or Mechanic boons.
Base Ships no longer benefit from difficulty bonuses to their damage and defenses
Frame Base Attribute Rebalance
Light Structure (300 --> 400)
Medium Structure (450 --> 550)
Heavy Structure (600 --> 650) and Acceleration (30 --> 28)
Assault Structure (750 --> 700) and and Acceleration (20 --> 14)
Energy Siphon
Slow effect decreased (50% --> 30%). Still stacks effect.
Pulse Cannon
Use time and cooldown reduced (70/50 --> 50/40)
Damage reduced (7-->5)
Pulse duration doubled (60 per hit to 120 per hit)
Explosive Weapons
Health Reduced (50% damage --> 20% damage). Only applies to defense against AMS.
Cataclysm Rocket
Range increased (800 --> 1000)
Damage decreased (45 --> 40)
Area increased (300 --> 360)
Flak Battery
Slow effect increased (45% --> 60% speed penalty). Still stacks duration, not effect.
Accuracy increased (45 --> 75)
Use Time (50-->40) and Cooldown (40-->50) swapped
Cannot be activated when affected by Pulse (from Pulse Cannon or Shadowflight Missiles)
Damage reduction reduced to match the documented value (45% --> 35%)
Repair Beam
Healing Decreased (8 --> 5)
Shield Battery
Healing decreased (9 --> 7)
Bhargav is better than kszed? Fuego tempts the gods of recursion with such taunts.
Last year's runner-up is still going strong during informal testing. Well done, Excelsus!
Patch 1.0.1 - Balance and Bugs January 9, 2023
Added a small team portrait to the PlayerBar
The relative power bar now reflects Fleet Value + Mineral Reserve, rather than only the fleet value. This better reflects which team actually has an advantage in a battle.
Titan Core
This means that base ships no longer have a minimum range.
Now also removes the minimum range from weapons
Increased damage (75 -->80)
Decreased use time (120 --> 110)
Decreased cooldown (45 --> 30)
Damage type changed from PIERCE to KINETIC (no longer ignores block value)
Move penalty increased (HEAVY --> STOP)
Mass Driver
Use time increased slightly (90 --> 100)
Movement penalty increased (LIGHT --> MEDIUM)
Gravitational Rift
Slot size decreased (3 --> 2)
Range increased (600 --> 700)
Anti-Missile System
Damage increased (1 --> 2)
Cooldown increased (2-->3)
Range increased (700 --> 800)
Explosive Weapons
When a target dodges a missile, it keeps moving forward in that direction with a chance to collide. This drift distance has been decreased to 150% of max range, down from 250% of max range.
Missiles will now have a larger "miss radius" from their intended target
Splash damage is now reduced by the target's dodge chance in addition to being reduced by the distance from the center of the explosion.
Long Range Missile
Range decreased (800 --> 750)
Antimatter Missile
Range decreased (1000--> 900)
Shadowflight Missile
Pulse effect duration increased (180 --> 520)
Movement penalty now reflects the documented value of MEDIUM (was LIGHT)
Shield regeneration is now properly disabled after taking damage for 180 frames.
Reduced total resources on Rocky Shoals by about 20%
Your team's portrait is now visible during the game. Shiny!
Firing of a large number of missiles in a line may be less effective, as they have reduced distance and accuracy on a miss. Splash damage is also reduced by dodge chance. This makes Artemis a little less effective with her mass missile strategy.
Shields were too strong because regeneration wasn't being properly disabled on damage. This bug has been fixed, and pulse effects rebalanced accordingly.
Major Update 1.0.0 - Season Two December 12, 2022
Teams may now display a "title" string at the start of the match. Set this in your player class by using the method setTitle(Sting title).
Damage types have all had their modifiers reduced by 10%
Kinetic now deals 10% bonus damage to plating (down from 20%)
Energy now deals 10% bonus damage to shields (down from 20%)
Explosive no longer deals bonus damage; area damage is the "special feature" of this weapon.
Boons removed from the game.
Boon-related methods remain in the code for legacy team compatibility, but are deprecated.
Reworked Ares, Poseidon, and Artemis strategies and loadouts. They are only loosely tied to a damage / armor type, instead focusing on a specific strategy.
Ares favors heavy units and straightforward combat.
Poseidon tries to abduct units with the pullbeam.
Artemis uses hit and run tactics at range.
Bug Fixes
When a setting is enabled, the game can enforce a minimum brightness level for teams. If a team's primary color is below the min brightness, it is automatically scaled up.
Color swapping for teams with similar colors has been reinstated and refined. It should now be working properly. The left team will always be the one to swap.
Minerals can no longer be duplicated by dropping them and collecting them multiple times within the same frame.
Patch 0.17.1 March 30, 2022
Pull Beam pull effect reduced by about 20%.
Gravitational Rift pull effect reduced by about 33%
Bug Fixes
Pull Effects are no longer reduced by speed penalties, such as the movement slowdown from firing a weapon. This makes the weapon much more effective against heavier units and units with multiple heavy weapons or effects like Aegis.
Minor Update 0.17.0 - Opening the Rift March 29, 2022
Due to a code refactor, this patch is mandatory before testing. Your team will not currently compile until the constructor is changed to the setup() method. See instructions below.
Gravitational Rift added. Target a unit with a gravitational rift. All enemy units near the target are pulled toward the center of the rift.
Note: In the future, will allow Point targeting, but that isn't implemented yet
Mass Driver movement halt duration decreased (30 --> 20).
The Player() constructor no longer takes any parameters. In addition, teams no longer will need to interact with the constructor. Instead, they will put all of their code to initialize values in a new method called setup(). Teams should no longer include a constructor in their team code.
This method is called on both soft and hard restarts. This ensures that all data your team collects and sets throughout a match is fully reset.
Command Relay now uses the unit's primary and secondary colors
Bug Fixes
Settings to include maps from specific subsets (Basic, Tournament, and Trial) are now working. In addition, a map that is contained in two groups will still only be added to the list once. This means all maps in the pool have an equal chance of being added.
Added Delphi Temple (Apollo's Map) to the trial map list. It will now appear randomly and when the map is chosen in Settings.
Fixed rounding error with PullBeam scaling against units of different frame sizes.
Improved the color switching system to be both a more accurate and sensitive measure. As a result, teams should switch colors more often.
Resolved a bug that caused all weapons to deal double damage after the difficulty bonus scaling. Thanks to Josh G for the catch!
Minor Update 0.16.0 - Glory of Zeus March 20, 2022
The most significant changes to this patch are: (1) Reducing difficulty for students during trials by expanding the benefits of the bonus provided at each tier to include damage and (2) Reducing the effectiveness of hit-and-run attacks with long range heavy weapons.. This patch contains substantial balance changes; it is recommended that all students download it.
Trial Difficulty
The bonus modifier now applies to damage in addition to health and resource gain.
Laser Battery accuracy decreased (50 --> 40) and range decreased (650 --> 600)
Pulse Cannon range increased (500 --> 600) and damage increased (6 --> 7)
Flak Battery slow decreased (50% --> 45%) and duration per hit decreased (15 --> 10)
Mass Driver range decreased (500 --> 400), damage increased (25 --> 30), and enemy stop duration increased (1 --> 30).
Shadowflight Missile range decreased (1200 --> 1100), accuracy decreased (60 --> 40), and damage decreased (12 --> 10)
Command Relay damage bonus reduced (25% --> 15%)
Speed Boost effectiveness increased (200% speed --> 250% speed). Its cooldown and duration have both been doubled. In addition, the speed boost now provides immunity to pull effects while it is active.
Most weapons - especially long range weapons have had their use time increased and cooldown decreased. Short range weapons tend to require less active aiming time.
Missile weapons have reduced their total use time / cooldown by about 5. Smaller missiles got a damage boost but have a smaller area of effect.
Laser base damage increased slightly (+1 for small, +3 for large, and +6 for bright)
Frames and Movement Speed
Base Ship movement speed doubled to force endgame sooner
Passive Movement Speed Penalties For Weapons have been doubled
LIGHT penalty increased (5% --> 10%)
MEDIUM penalty increased (10% --> 20%)
HEAVY penalty increased (15% --> 30%)
Acceleration by frame has been more normalized
LIGHT acceleration decreased (70 --> 50)
HEAVY acceleration increased (21 --> 30)
ASSAULT acceleration increased (10 --> 20)
Scout Boon speed and acceleration bonus improved (6% --> 7%)
Pilot Boon dodge chance multiplier bonus improved (15% --> 20%)
Bug Fixes
Energy Siphon movement penalty in code updated to LIGHT from MEDIUM to match the documented values.
Arena of Glory has more resources that are spread more widely across the map
Rocky Shoals has been expanded to more of a wide oval instead of a ring
Delphi Temple has smaller asteroids
Added Zeus to the roster of gods.
Apollo no longer uses skirmishers to flank opponents (reduces difficulty)
Zeus has extremely effective skirmishers that hunt down vulnerable units.
Minor Update 0.15.0 - Athena's Command March 16, 2022
This patch is mostly devoted to the development of Athena and the Command Relay. Since the C++ tournament is coming up soon, I am keeping balance changes to a minimum.
Added the Command Relay utility weapon. When active, applies the Powerful condition to nearby units, increasing their damage. This effect does not stack.
Optimized Algorithms use time and cooldown reduction improved (20% --> 30%)
Base Ship
Shield regeneration has been reduced significantly (15 --> 5)
Shield has been reduced (4000 --> 2000)
Plating has been reduced (4000 --> 3000)
Bug Fixes
Kinetic weapons are now correctly applying applying damage modifiers. This means the "Gunner" trait is actually being applied to damage now.
Explosive weapons are now correctly applying maximum range modifiers toward the missile's duration. This is an edge case that likely had little effect in most situations.
Fixed a major bug with god teams that was causing miners to throw themselves off the edge of the world when a gatherer got too close to them.
Added Athena to the roster of gods.
Athena uses the command aura to bolster her fleet's damage in battle.
Patch 0.14.1 - Hades and Rush Reduction March 10, 2022
This patch includes some initial responses and improvements to 0.14.0. Most notably, the dodge increases made it possible to "dive rush" workers, ignoring the enemy base. This strategy was almost impossible to counter.
It was also easy to late game simply rush the base ship and ignore the enemy fleet, destroying it - even while under direct fire the whole time.
These changes intend to make both forms of rush remain viable, but require a bit more sophistication to pull off.
Base Ship has been made significantly stronger
Flak Battery has been replaced with the Railgun
Brightlance has been replaced with the Laser Battery
Use time and cooldown scalar bonus improved (66% --> 33%)
Shield increased (2500 --> 4000)
Block value increased (0 --> 40%)
Collector has been made easier to equip, but slows you down more:
Component slot cost reduced (3 --> 2)
Movement penalty increased (MEDIUM --> HEAVY)
Boons reduced:
Scout Boon speed and acceleration bonus reduced (8% --> 6%)
Trader Boon speed reduced (4% --> 3%)
Pilot Boon dodge chance multiplier (20% --> 15%)
Speed Boost cooldown decreased (400 --> 360)
Mining Laser movement penalty decreased (MEDIUM --> LIGHT)
Bug Fixes
Removed extraneous imports from starter teams
Made it more difficult to accidentally "cheat" by calling the collect method directly
Derelicts are now visible on the minimap
Hades has been official added to the roster of gods,
His map is called River Styx
Minor Update 0.14.0 - Big Bonus Buffs March 8, 2022
A difficulty bonus tor penalty now applies to both health *and* resource gain. This is a massive boost to players, essentially doubling the benefit of bonuses. This should make the trials significantly easier to manage.
Weapons have had their accuracy reduced across the board. This will make it more possible to use fast moving ships that can dodge. There are still a lot of effects that slow or stop movement, which can still catch those units - be careful!
Damage per frame for leaving the map has been increased (0.2 --> 0.4)
ElectromagneticPulse has been added to the game. This utility weapon will damage shields and stun units in a wide area, but has a moderate use time and massive cooldown.
Shortrange Missile damage and radius decreased (22 --> 20) and (150 --> 125)
Long Range Missile damage and radius decreased (44 --> 40) and (150 --> 125)
Antimatter Missile damage and radius decreased (72 --> 60) and (150 --> 125)
Shadowflight Missile now applies the Pulse effect, temporarily disabling enemy shield recovery.
Move Penalty decreased (MEDIUM --> LIGHT)
Radius decreased (50 --> 25)
Inferno Launcher has more impact with slower fire.
Range increased (600 --> 800)
Damage over time increased (4% structure over 10s --> 8% structure over 15s)
While burning, units cannot be repaired.
Mass Driver stop speed decreased (20 --> 1). Still highly impactful since it stops the target instant.
Railgun no longer applies the Shatter condition, but instead ignores Block. This makes it strong against high defense targets, especially if they use Plating or Aegis.
Railgun damage increased (60 --> 75)
Miner (Boon) now provides a 10% bonus to mining speed, rather than a 2% bonus to resource income.
Shield recovery time has been increased (60 --> 180)
Structure repair efficiency increased (20% --> 25%)
AntiMissileSystem range increased (600 --> 700)
Aegis block increased (35% --> 45%)
Pullbeam now costs 2 component slots
Pull strength increased (7 --> 10)
Pull range decreased (700 --> 600)
Repairbeam healing increased(6 --> 7)
Shield Battery shield restoration increased (8 --> 9)
Rangefinder improved
Accuracy bonus increased (+20% --> +35%)
Range bonus increased (+10% --> +15%)
User Interface / Graphics
Your use bar now also shows cooldown.
Added simple visual effects for the Stun and Pulse conditions.
Added accessor method to Entity:
public boolean canBeRepaired()
Bug Fixes
Added protective code to avoid infinite resource gain from units improperly calling the collect method directly (rather than using the collector weapon).
Projectile animations are less likely to "trail" a target, instead estimating their future location. This is most significant with Anti-Missile System, but applies to all bullets.
Repair Beam can no longer be used on itself
Shadowflight Missiles cannot be targeted by anti missile systems.
Starting Teams
MyTeam, Red, Blue, and Green have been streamlined to use a single hybrid Miner/Gatherer unit called Worker. In future seasons, teams will need to build their own units to split them up into more specialized units. This won't affect your current teams, but notice that after downloading the patch that all the starting teams will be about 25% less effective.
When a weapon is cooling down, it is represented by a green bar.
Stun and Pulse now have a visual effects in addition to spinning and changing the shield bar
Patch 0.13.1 - Apollo and Aegis March 2, 2022
Aegis has been in the game secretly for a bit, but has been reworked. It is a defensive utility weapon. While active, Aegis provides 35% block but significantly slows the user's movement speed.
Asteroid scaling was changed slightly. Small asteroids are larger (50% --> 75% size) and Large asteroids are smaller (200% --> 150%).
Mass Driver stops enemy movement, but no longer stuns / interrupts attacks.
Repair Beam max range increased (400 --> 500) and min range removed.
Shield Battery max range increased (500 --> 600) and min range removed.
Added the map Delphi Temple, the home of Apollo
Asteroid spawn size can now be fixed by a map
Trial format has been changed: students may challenge every god they have not won against, but must win two matches in a row. When you lose, you move onto the next challenge.
Apollo has been added to the available gods to challenge during tests and trials.
Battling Apollo on Delphi Temple is now available
Minor Update 0.13.0 - Defenses Reforged March 1, 2022
Defense Rework
All defenses have been reworked to provide a scaling damage resistance value called Block. If a unit has an upgrade providing 3% block, that means all damage taken is reduced by 3%. These upgrades stack linearly. For example, two 3% block upgrades provides 6% reduction in damage taken.
This change is designed to provide benefit to teams that can efficiently tank since damage is actually mitigated, rather than simply redistributed.
Alongside these changes, all defensive upgrades have been fully rebalanced.
Shield provides 300 shield, 2% block, and 3 regen / second
Plating provides 300 plating and 6% block
Structure provides 300 structure and 3% block and 20% repair efficiency
Repair Beam range increased (300 --> 400)
Shield Battery range increased (400 --> 500)
Small Laser damage increased (20 --> 21)
Medium Laser damage increased (40 --> 43)
Brightlance damage increased (60 --> 66)
Laser Battery ranged increased (600 --> 650)
Energy Siphon movement penalty decreased (MEDIUM --> LIGHT)
Short Range Missile damage increased (20 --> 22)
Long Range Missile damage increased (40 --> 46)
Antimatter Missile damage increased (60 --> 72)
Cataclysm Rocket movement penalty decreased (STOP --> HEAVY)
Machine Gun, Autocannon, Megacannon, and Flak Battery
Use time increased slightly (30 --> 35)
Mass Driver
Range increased (400 --> 500)
Accuracy increased (10% --> 40%)
Use time decreased (90 --> 75) and cooldown decreased (75 -->60)
Movement speed penalty decreased (HEAVY --> LIGHT)
No longer does pierce damage, instead applies a 20 frame stun and stop effect.
Entity - Added methods to get the total damage modification from defenses and conditions (such as Shattered)
float getDamageTakenMultiplier()
Weapon - Added methods to get a weapon's current use time and cooldown
int getUseTimer()
int getCooldownTimer()
boolean onCooldown()
User Interface
Block and Dodge are now displayed on the Entity Panel
Block is darkened when it has been reduced by a condition (ie. Shattered)
Dodge is darkened when it has been reduced by a condition (ie. Slow, Stop)
Weapons are darkened when they are on cooldown
Bug Fixes
Anti-Missile System only shoots down enemy missiles, rather than all missiles.
Missile area of effect changes from patch 0.11.0 are now in the code. They have not matched the spreadsheet values in the last week.
Damage can now be mitigated through BLOCK or DODGE.
Mass Driver is an effective weapon to disrupt enemies at close range. Excellent for harrying snipers or for tanks to hold off incoming threats.
Minor Update 0.12.0 - Big Frames and Big Booms
Added the Cataclysm Rocket. This is the final missile weapon, which deals damage in a large area. It has a long cooldown and units must completely stop to fire it.
Added the Anti-Missile System. This weapon automatically targets incoming missiles and attempts to destroy them before they reach your units.
Larger frames now provide more components slots. This provides additional utility to heavier frames, since they can provide more firepower per cost. Note that weapons and upgrades still cost 1 resource per slot, so these still come with a price to use.
Medium (3-->4)
Heavy (4-->6)
Assault (5-->8)
Resources now spawn with with a slightly random drift. This rewards teams with the ability to efficiently divide up their collectors.
Railgun now applies the Shattered condition instead of Stun. Shattered units receive additional damage while the effect is active. Additional applications reset the the duration of the effect.
Railgun damage has been reduced (80-->60). In addition, the cooldown has been increased to match the spreadsheet values (60-->75).
Resource Weapons (Mining Laser / Collector) cannot have their minimum or maximum range modified by boons or upgrades.
Cargo Bay no longer provides a speed bonus and provides less of a bonus to capacity (8-->6)
Collector movement penalty decreased (HEAVY --> MEDIUM).
Trader Boon now provides a percentage bonus to speed, rather than a flat value.
Miner Boon reduced resource gain (3% --> 2%)
Cataclysm Rockets make a big impact
Railgun shatters a unit's defenses
Bug Fixes
Shadowflight Missile now correctly only costs one component slot.
Base Ships can no longer be affected by the Pull Beam.
Pull Beam was incorrectly applying its full use time penalty to passive movement
Weapons are now correctly being limited by component slots.
Modifiers to ship base stats like cooldown, range, and accuracy are correctly being applied. In addition, this now works multiplicatively. For instance, a ship with two Optimized Algorithms upgrades will provide a new cooldown speed of 80% * 80%, or 64%, rather than a flat 60%.
Anti-Missile System shooting down incoming rockets
Minor Update 0.11.0 - Shadow and Flame
Added the Inferno Launcher. This weapon launches missiles that causes fires on the opponent's ship, dealing structural damage over time.
Added the Shadowflight Missile. This weapon fires a weak but accurate missile at extreme range. These missiles always evade anti-missile systems (coming soon)
Weapons will passively slow a ship's movement based on its MoveSpeed rating, in addition to the active slowdown:
Light --> 5% speed and acceleration
Medium --> 10% speed and acceleration
Heavy --> 15% speed and acceleration
Large Laser range reduced (700--> 650)
Brightlance range reduced (900 --> 800)
Railgun range reduced (800 --> 700)
Railgun use time increased (75 --> 90)
Railgun no longer deals damage directly to structure, and instead has a chance to stun the target for a short duration
Mass Driver
Mass Driver use time increased (75 --> 90)
Mass Driver no longer stuns the target, and instead deals 40% of its damage directly to structure.
Missile area of effects have been modified. This is mostly to compensate for the bug fix, but also slightly improves smaller missiles:
Short Range Missile (60 --> 150)
Long Range Missile (90 --> 150)
Antimatter Missile (90 --> 150)
Bug Fixes
Plating was not applying a 10% penalty to acceleration
Mass Driver was incorrectly only doing 75% of its damage
These values were not correctly updated in the code during the last balance pass, resulting in medium/large energy weapons being too powerful.
Brightlance Move Penalty (Medium --> Heavy)
Brightlance Accuracy (35 --> 15)
Large Laser Accuracy (55 --> 45)
Laser Battery Accuracy (65 --> 60)
The Baseship is now correctly centered on the Minimap
Missile Splash damage no longer deals full damage, but instead a % of damage based on distance away from the center of the radius (as intended.)
Missiles are no longer calculated as part of a player's latency
Patch 0.10.2 - Quality of Life
The BaseShip has been substantially improved. It is now armed with different weapons and a "Titan Core" upgrade
Weapons: Flak Battery + Brightlance
Fires 3x as fast as normal with a 30% accuracy bonus
Defenses: 2500 shields, 4000 plating, and 4000 structure
Speed increased by 50% (forces endgame sooner)
Added a 100x Speed option. Press "0". This is not officially supported, and your teams do not need to run well on it.
Units can override the following methods for information or to respond to events.
onDamageTaken(float amount, DamageType type);
Units have the following accessors
hasWeapon(WeaponType type)
Weapons now have the follow accessors, used for weapons like Flak Battery, Energy Siphon, Pulse Cannon, and Speed Boost
hasAppliedCondition(Unit u)
getAppliedConditionTimeLeft(Unit u)
For clarity, renamed hasComponentSlot() to hasComponentSlotOpen()
Bug Fixes
Removed extraneous debug print statements
Removed the mineral duplication exploit (thanks for finding it Alex!)
Provided an alert to warn students when they are copying but not removing references to Nodes or Resources.
If you're mining the air, this is likely what's happening!
Patch 0.10.1
Flak Battery Slow Amount increased (25% -- > 50%) and duration per hit increased (5 --> 15)
Energy Siphon Slow Amount increased (25% --> 50%)
Bug Fixes
All weapon accuracy is no longer set to zero.
Turning off latency penalties is now functional!
Cargo Bay and Trader have been scaled to match last patch's speed increase.
Minor Update 0.10.0 - Latency and Utility
Added the utility upgrade Optimized Algorithms.
Decreases use time and cooldown by 20%
Added the utility upgrade Rangefinder
Increases accuracy by 30% and max range by 10%
Superior damage types (demolition, ionized, and pierce) have been removed from the game.
Latency is now penalized.
Above extreme latency (800 ms), a team will lost 1 mineral every 1 seconds
Above high latency (600 ms), a team will lose 1 mineral every 5 seconds
Above medium latency (400 ms), a team will be given a visual indication but no penalty
For testing purposes, this can be disabled in Settings
Accuracy has been refactored. It now works as follows:
Accuracy categories have been removed.
All weapons have an accuracy value. A target's dodge is decreased by that accuracy value as a percentage.
This follows the formula ActualDodge = BaseDodge - (BaseDodge * Accuracy)
In general, this means that high accuracy weapons are critical against fast moving units. When units are moving slower, it doesn't change much.
For example:
A weapon with 70% accuracy fires against a unit with 40% dodge. The dodge chance is reduced by 29.4%, resulting in a 10.6% dodge chance.
A weapon with 20% accuracy fires against a unit with 20% dodge. The dodge chance is reduced by 4%, resulting in an 16% dodge chance.
Unit speeds values have been increased to allow for more dodge. Keep in mind that the "speed constant" has been modified to compensate. So units won't actually move faster... the scale is just different!
Shield provides an additional 50 points of defense.
Scout speed bonus increased (5% --> 7.5%)
Pilot bonus increased (10% --> 20%)
Sniper max range bonus increased (5% --> 7.5%), but doubles minimum range (to 20% of max range)
All weapons now have more standardized minimum ranges. A unit's minimum range is typically 10% of it's maximum range. Some gear and boons may affect that ratio.
All weapons damage and accuracy have been rebalanced according to the new Accuracy System.
Smaller weapons are much more accurate than large weapons
Weapon type slightly affects accuracy. Energy > Kinetic > Missile.
Weapons use times and cooldowns have been modified. They remain in a tighter range than other patches, but have some variation by type.
Missile area of effect reduced (80/120/160 --> 60/90/120). Trigger radius reduced (25-->15). Does full damage on a hit (always) but does subsantially less splash damage.
Railgun deals more damage directly to structure (25% --> 40%)
Information / Cosmetic
The Player Bar now displays each team's latency. This is a weighted average over the last 240 frames.
Additionally, when a player has lost minerals from latency this message will display in game.
The Player Bar now displays each team's bonus if it is above or below 100.
Improved BaseShip visibility on Minimap
Added to Unit
hasComponentSlots(int i)
canAddComponent(Component c)
getComponent(int i)
Bug Fixes
Damage now displays correctly on the Player Bar on repeated matches. It was not being reset between runs.
Engineer Boon now displays its title correctly
Patch 0.9.8 - Map System
Added the "Shield Battery" weapon. This weapon restores shields to an ally. It has slightly longer range and better value than the repair beam, but only works on shields.
Added the "Pulse Cannon" weapon. The pulse cannon applies the Pulse condition, which disables all shield recovery for the target unit for a short duration. Each pulse hit increases the duration. Note that this will affect both shield regeneration and shield restoration from the Shield Battery.
A new mechanic called "Repair Efficiency" has been added to the game. All repair effects will apply this bonus or penalty to the effect.
At present, this only applies to the Repair Beam weapon and new Nanobot Hull upgrade.
The Structure upgrade now provides an additional 50 points of structure and 20% repair efficiency, but no longer provides repair.
The new Nanobot Hull upgrade provides 4 repair per second
The boon Mechanic now provides additional repair efficiency.
The boon Engineer provides additional benefit to structure and repair efficiency upgrades.
In Settings, players can select a map. If this is enabled, the game will ONLY play the specified map. This is disabled by default.
In Settings, players can choose to enable up to three different map pools for their games
Basic - Generic maps that provide a wide range of styles (5 currently)
Trial - Maps designed for the Olympians. These are always used during Trials against their paired god. (5 currently)
Tournament - Less extreme maps official approved for the tournament (0 currently)
Added five trial maps
Ares - Arena of Glory
Poseidon - Rocky Shoals
Artemis - Hunting Grounds
Hermes - Glittering Paths
Dionysus - Hidden Reserve
During the time that a shield is recovering is disabled, the health bar changes color to an darkish aqua.
While a shield's recovery is disabled by a pulse effect, the health bar changes to a striped aqua-and-gray pattern.
Nodes move less overall and are no longer biased toward moving to the upper-left and bottom-right.
Nodes rotate less overall and can spin in different directions
Added methods: isShieldRegenerating() and canShieldRecover()
Bug Fixes
All damage being applied to structure is no longer being doubled. Previously, plating took only half damage. The code that caused the overflow damage to be doubled back to normal was still in the Entity's takeDamage method. (Credit to Josh G for catching this error!)
The "Pilot" boon is no longer applying to all units... except for those who with the boon. Oops. It now is working as expected.
Patch 0.9.7 - Balance
Out of Bounds Damage Increased (6 dps --> 12 dps)
Shield Recovery Time Decreased (120 --> 60)
Major changes to all weapon values across the board. In general:
Weapon use time and cooldown has been more normalized
All weapons have 60 use time and 60 cooldown, except for "Sniper" weapons and "Beam" weapons
Missile Speed Increased
Speed (80 --> 100)
Acceleration (40 --> 50)
Missile Area of Effect Decreased
Short Range Missile (100 --> 80)
Long Range Missile (150 --> 120)
Antimatter Missile (200 --> 160)
Weapon Movement Penalties increased
Light (20 --> 25)
Medium (40 --> 50)
Heavy (60 --> 75)
Patch 0.9.6 - Balance
Shield recovery time reimplemented. When taking damage, shield is disabled for 120 frames.
Scout speed bonus decreased (10% --> 5%)
Sniper range bonus decreased slightly and made a scaling value (50 flat bonus --> 5% weapon range bonus)
Pilot bonus decreased (15% --> 10%)
Repair Beam healing significantly improved (3 --> 6)
Brightlance deals less damage but fires faster. DPS remains the same.
Missile Area of Effect Increased
Short Range Missile (50 --> 100)
Long Range Missile (100 --> 150)
Antimatter Missile (150 --> 200)
In an attempt to reduce efficacy of an "alpha strike" and encourage units to be "stickier", all weapons have had their use time doubled. Cooldown has been reduced by the use time increase.
Ex: Large Laser use time 30 --> 60, cooldown 120 --> 90
User Interface
Reduced the spacing on EntityPanel for low resolution screens
Patch 0.9.5 - Bugs
Bug Fixes
Removed the Olympian map load system from the student version of Astraeus
Patch 0.9.4 - Balance
Scrap + Derelicts are just a cosmetic reskin now
Derelicts and Asteroids have the same amount of resources per structure as each other
Scrap and Minerals have the same value as each other
Adjusted most weapon's damage, use time, and cooldown
Too many to list here
Generally has resulted in improving low-accuracy weapons and weakening high-accuracy weapons
This is related to a fix in the physics that allows units to move and dodge more effectively now
Movement Penalties increased
Light (15 --> 20)
Medium (30 --> 40)
Heavy (45 --> 60)
Quality of Life
Settings - Can choose camera start position
Added getEnemyExcludeBase(), getNodes(), and getResources() methods in Unit and Player
Bug Fixes
Major bug fix to core movement physics (credit to Josh L for discovery + fix)
Movement penalties for weapon use are now being correctly applied
Patch 0.9.3 - Art Styles
Added new ship styles: rocket, orb, boxy, wedge
Patch 0.9.2 - Balance
Team Bonuses no longer provide a bonus to resource income.
Defensive Upgrades simplified to only Shield, Plating, and Structure
Armorer, guardian, and mechanic now provide percentage-based modifiers
Gunner, Lancer, and Blaster reduced effects (10%-->5%)
Low Accuracy (1.5 --> 1.25)
Poor Accuracy (2 --> 1.5)
Collector size increased (2 --> 3)
Starting resources increased (30-->50)
More resources per node (12-->20)
Bug Fixes
Soft Restarts (Alt-R and Shift-R) are now working
Patch 0.9.1 - More Boons
Added Boons: Trader, Pilot
Removed Boon: Salvager
Minor Update 0.9.0 - Streamlining
Removed Tech Resource
Added Repair Beam
Added "Poor" Accuracy
Rebalance Weapons + Frames
Increase Light Frame Speed
User Interface
Main Bar Redesign
Damage and Dodge Tracking
Dynamic Node + Resource Colors
Scrap Resource Art
Minor Update 0.8.0 - The Interface Update
Boon System
Missile Weapons
Damage Slows Units
Major Rebalancing
User Interface
Menu Screen Redesigned
Parallax Backgrounds
Team Versus Card
Team Logos
Player Message System
Minor Update 0.7.0 - Going Public
Map System
Accuracy and Dodge System
Nodes - Derelicts
Resources - Scrap + Tech
Kinetic Weapons
Minimum Range