Exporting The Project
Make sure that your project has no compile errors and can run successfully.
Then, go to the File menu and select Export Application.
Under Export Options, make sure that Windows and Embed Java for Windows (64-bit) are checked.
Application Windows64
Your program is located under the Applications.windows64 folder
Data Folder
All of your images must be located in the data subfolder of your project, they cannot be loose in the main folder with your code.
This isn't enforced in the editor but matters when trying to make your program an executable.
Case Sensitivity
Your image files must have the exact same case in the filename as they do in your code, including capitalization. When running in the editor this doesn't matter, but will cause your export to crash
Recommendation: Name all images with snake_case. All lowercase letters with words split by underscores.
Don't forget that all students must complete the Project Submission Form as part of each submission.
Create a New Folder
Call this folder Lastname_Firstname_Beta
If it's release, change the Beta to Release
Ex #1: HornZoeBeta
Ex #2: DarrajGeorgeRelease
Make a subfolder called Code
Copy the source folder here
Make a subfolder called Application
Copy the data, java, lib, and and Application here.
Main Project Folder
Main Folder Contents
Application Folder Contents
Code Folder Contents
In Class Submission
Submit this project folder to Mr. M via a flash drive in class on the specified due date
Online Submission (Late Work Only)
Zip the outside folder and attach it to a Schoology message sent to Mr. M