The Coder's Handbook
Mouseover and Clicks
We've learned how to detect if the user clicked the mouse, and which mouse button they have clicked. We also know how to find the mouse's location. But often we really care about how the mouse's position interacts with something we're drawing on the screen.
For example:
Clicking on a target to remove it and earn points
Having a cool rollover effect when the mouse rolls over an object
Making a button that does something when a user clicks on it.
Detecting If You Are Over a Circle
We can write a method called isMouseOver() that returns a true when the mouse is over our drawn circle and false otherwise.
Consider the example to the right:
A circle is drawn at a point (x, y) with a width and height equal to diameter.
We know the mouse is over the circle if the distance between the mouse and the center of the circle is less than the diameter of a circle.
You can use the distance formula or the dist method.
We use the isMouseOver() method to change the color of the circle when the mouse is over it.
int xPos = 50;
int yPos = 50;
int radius = 20;
void draw()
fill(255, 0, 0);
fill(255, 255, 255);
ellipse(xPos, yPos, radius * 2, radius * 2);
boolean isMouseOver()
if(dist(mouseX, mouseY, xPos, yPos) < radius)
return true;
return false;
Detecting If You Are Over a Rectangle
We can use the same technique for rectangles. This would work for both drawn rectangles and for images, since all images are rectangles.
Consider the example to the right:
A circle is drawn at a point (x, y) with a width and height equal to diameter.
We know the mouse is over the circle if the distance between the mouse and the center of the circle is less than the diameter of a circle.
We use the isMouseOver() method to change the color of the circle when the mouse is over it.
int xPos = 50;
int yPos = 50;
int w = 100;
int h = 20;
void draw()
fill(255, 0, 0);
fill(255, 255, 255);
rect(xPos, yPos, w, h);
boolean isMouseOver()
if(mouseX > xPos && // > Left
mouseX < xPos + w && // > Right
mouseY > yPos && // > Top
mouseY < yPos + h) // < Bottom
return true;
return false;
Using mousePressed
This is an input strategy called polling. At any point in your program, at any time, you can simply ask Processing, "Hey, is the mouse down?" and respond accordingly.
This is great in situations where:
You want something to happen while a mouse button is held down, rather than when a full click-and-release happens.
You want to make a quick decision inside of another block of code.
Using void mousePressed()
This is an input strategy based on responding to an event. Processing has a method called void mousePressed() which is called automatically every time you fully click-and-release the mouse.
This is great in situations where:
You want to respond to a single click
You don't mind writing the code in a specific method (or other methods called by this method) rather than draw().
For more detailed information and examples, look at the Coder's Handbook entry on Mouse and Keyboard
Clicking A Rectangle
We can use the mousePressed method which is automatically called when the mouse is clicked. Then, simply check if the mouse is over the destination then cause some sort of change in your program.
The example to the right expands on the mouseOver code we used previously. In this case, we're moving the rectangle to a random location and giving the user a point.
int score = 0;
void mousePressed()
xPos = random(width);
yPos = random(height);
Chapter 5 - Conditionals (Rollover Example)