The Coder's Handbook   

Sorts and Searches



An algorithm is an an unambiguous, executable, and terminating  specification of a way to solve a problem.  Every algorithm you write has a run-time:  they can be fast, slow, or somewhere in between.  What programmers really care about is how well your program scales as it deals with larger amounts of data.

Big O Notation

Let's imagine you are writing a program that needs to traverse a list of numbers.  We'll use the letter n to designate how many numbers are in the list. 

How does your program's runtime relate to n?  To describe this behavior, we designate it as having a Big O value, which represents its worst-case run-time.

Let's consider some examples:

As The Limit Approaches Infinity...

Think of this as describing the behavior of a mathematical operation as the limit approaches infinity.

For example, we could say that the following statement has an O(n²):

3n² +  78n + 1542

This is because as n gets bigger and bigger, the other numbers become less significant.  

    3n² +  78n + 1542

  ≅  3n² +  78n

≅  3n² 

   ≅   n² 

Why use Big O?

Big O is a useful shorthand for approximately how good or bad an algorithm is at something.   Think of it as a shorthand to describe what sort of "tier" of efficiency an algorithm is on.

Keep in mind that you might have a few different algorithms with the same Big O that have different performance on average within this category.

On the flip side, it's possible for an algorithm with an inefficient Big O to beat a more efficient algorithm in situations where the data is arranged just right, or with a small sample set. 

Quick Sort is S-Tier


Linear Search - O(n)

Go through the elements in order until you find the item.  Also known as Sequential Search.

Binary Search - O(log n)

Requires a sorted list.  Start in the middle and keep guessing based on being too high or too low.


Bubble Sort - O(n²)

Keep making passes through the data swapping adjacent elements until the list is sorted.

Selection Sort - O(n²)

Look for lowest element and put it in the first spot, swapping with what is there.  Keep going.

Insertion Sort - O(n²)

Look for elements to move forward to the correct spot and bump back the other data.

Merge Sort - O(n log n)

Divide the data in half repeatedly then put it back together.


An interactive website to run different algorithms.
Contains useful example code!

A visual and audio representation of popular sorting algorithms.

Tom Scott explains Big O, Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Quick Sort, Bogo Sort, and the real lesson of his internship.

Obama's take on sorting algorithms

Coding With John - Writing Selection Sort

Coding With John - Insertion Sort

Coding With John - Quick Sort

Coding With John - Merge Sort