Item Stacks ★ ★
Some items like Seeds can be carried in a stack, rather than being individual items.
Animations ★ ★
Add animations or particle effects for things like:
Watering with can
Sprinklers activating
Rock breaking
Tree chopping
Fishing ★
Fish randomly appear in the water and the user can click on them and use stamina for a chance to catch them
Scythe / Grass Seed ★
Add a tool that allows the user to cut the grass, turning it into a Dirt tile.
Add a seed that can be planted to turn dirt into grass
Animals ★★
Create animals which move from cell to cell
Animals might drop clickable items (ex: chicken with eggs) or can be clicked on for money (ex: milking a cow)
Seasons ★★
Divide your game up into seasons which change every few days. Different seasons may provide different benefits and rules, or simply require different types of crops.
Crops could die at the start of each season giving the player a chance to "reset."
Event System ★★★
Expand things like "Rain" into a full-fledged random event system. Each day you have a chance for an event, which can have gameplay effects or simply cosmetic ones
Windy Day / Sunny Day - Cosmetic changes
Storms - Waters all soil but can destroys some trees
Blight - All crops of one type wither and die
Birds - Random individual crops destroyed; birds fly away at start of day. Build Scarecrows to prevent.
Day/Night Cycle ★
As the user expends stamina, night gradually begins to fall on the farm. Use a transparent overlay to change colors to represent dawn, daytime, sunset, and night time.
Expanded Nature ★
Rocks can come in different sizes which have different health values.
Apple Trees can grow fruit every so often and be harvested without removing the tree.
Logs, Branches, and Bushes are small obstacles which can litter the farm and are easily cleared.
Tile Permutations ★★★
Use a Sprite Sheet so that your grass, water, and dirt tiles all have smooth edges rather than being so blocky.
The original media package has a tileset sample created by your instructor, though it does not have images for the soil (contains "mud" instead). You can modify this or create your own from scratch.
Better Maps ★★
Maps are forced to make certain assumptions in the current system, like rocks always start on dirt and trees on grass. Modify the map system to have different "layers" to represent Terrain and Entities.
This can be done through more complex codes (more than one letter) or multiple grids in a single map file.
Map Selection ★★★
Create a new game state that has different buttons that allows the user to select the map for a new game.
This state should be loaded between the TITLE and GAME.
Map Editor ★★★★
Design a new game state that presents a blank world that the user can edit freely. Then when they press a button, the results are saved to a text file.
Save Game ★★★★
Add the ability for the user to save their current progress to a text file, then load it when they play the next time.