You can modify the game's default settings by modifying the Engine--> Settings
Some elements that can be customized include:
Music and Sound
Map Pools
Graphics and Information Displayed
Debug Output
Mouse Controls
Left clicking on a Unit will display its attributes in the bottom right panel
Right clicking and dragging will move the camera
Keyboard Controls
Core Controls
WASD can be used to move the camera.
Spacebar pauses the game
Number keys modify the speed
1 --> 1x Speed
2 --> 2x Speed
3 --> 5x Speed
4 --> 10x Speed
5 --> 20x Speed
0 --> 100x Speed (Unsupported - may cause lag)
CTRL-R is a hard restart, bringing the game to the main menu
SHIFT-R is a soft restart, rerolling the map and starting this same match over again
Information and Media
I will switch between information modes (Low, Medium, and High)
O will switch between graphic modes (Fancy and Fast)
M will toggle all sound on and off
Q will toggle the left player's drawings
E will toggle the right player's drawings
G will toggle the coordinate grid
B will toggle the map borders