Project #2: Nightfall
Draw your dream house and have it switch to night on a mouse press
Your dream house
It can be anything: a mansion, castle, moon base, or secret volcano lair
You must include a ground and sky in the background that change color at night
You must include a sun (day), and crescent moon (night)
You must include a house with at least six distinct elements
Ex: Windows, Doors, Roof, Lava Moat
Multiple copies of the same thing are still one element
Your program must be divided into methods to keep it organized
Ex: You would draw the windows in a method called drawWindows()
While the user has the mouse button pressed, the entire image should change to show that it is night time.
The sun should be replaced with the moon
The colors should become darker
You might have some elements change in other ways (optional)
Ex: Stars might come out, lights pop on in the windows, etc...
FAQ / Tips
How do I draw a crescent moon?
You'll need to use two overlapping shapes. If one is the color of the sky....
How can I make things look darker at night?
Two options:
You could make each individual part change colors, like we did in Portrait.
You could use transparency to make a semi-transparent dark layer on top of everything.