Project #2: Face Printer
Choose physical features and draw an ASCII face



  • Your program must at least 2 classes and 5 methods

  • You must ask about hair, eyes, nose, and mouth

  • Each feature must offer at least 3 users choices

  • All drawing must happen after all user input is complete


Part A - Organization

    • Write two classes - Main and FacePrinter

    • Outline your program using the following methods.

      • Class Main

        • public static void main(String[] args)

          • This method gets user input and calls PrintFace

      • Class FacePrinter

        • public void printFace(String hair, String eyes, String nose, String mouth)

          • This method calls printHair, printEyes, etc...

        • public void printHair(String type)

        • public void printEyes(String type)

        • public void printNose(String type)

        • public void printMouth(String type)

Part B - Formatting & Errors

  • Input

    • Your program should disregard capitalization.

    • Your program only needs to accept one-word answers.

    • If a user types something that isn’t an allowed choice, you have a few options:

      • Keeps running, but prints out a clear error message to the user (either right away, or in place of the missing feature)

      • Keep repeating the question until they choose something valid (uses loops)

  • Art

    • Each element of a face is a line consisting of at least 8 characters

    • Be creative - use your own ASCII art and descriptors

    • Do not use any racial stereotypes or inappropriate terms in your descriptors


Pick a type of hair (curly, straight, wavy)

> straight

Pick a type of eyes (circle, starry, anime)

> starry

Pick a type of nose (pointy, square, piggy)

> pointy

Pick a type of mouth (smile, fangs, braces)

> fangs


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Pick a type of hair (curly, straight, wavy)

> curly

Pick a type of eyes (circle, starry, anime)

> anime

Pick a type of nose (pointy, square, piggy)

> piggy

Pick a type of mouth (smile, fangs, braces)

> smile


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