Project #4: Palindrome
Identify if a word is spelled the same forward and backward
Write a program that recursively checks if a word is a palindrome
Your program must ignore case, spacing, numbers, and symbols
Part A - Input / Output
Write the user interface for your program
It should loop until the user inputs "q" to quit
Ask the user for a palindrome and store it
Print out the "clean" message to the user
Call the isPalindrome method from wordsmith on the clean message
Output the result to the user
Make sure the interface is clear + user friendly
Part B- Cleaning the String
Your method should return a string that contains only lowercase letters.
Think carefully about the best way to do this!
Hint #1: Do you want to "remove bad characters", or "only keep the good ones"?
Hint #2: You can use the String's charAt() method and ASCII values to identify characters
Test this method a few times before moving on to Part C
Note: You will not earn full credit if you simply call a standard method like "replaceAll." You must solve this using basic methods!
Part C - Palindrome
Write a recursive method to determine if the word is a palindrome
Hint #1: Start at the sides and work your way to the middle
Hint #2: You will have two base cases
Remember, this must be solved recursively. You can't just reverse the String.
Part D - Color
Your program must use output the "YES" message in green and the "NO" message in red.
Feel free to use colors in other ways throughout your program
Some example code is included in replit. But for more information, google around for "ANSI escape Codes"
Some basic info can be found on this stack overflow question.
Hello, welcome to the Palindrome Program.
Please enter a message ("q" to quit)
> aMaNa plan! a237^234 CaNaL231 Pan!aMa##()
The message "amanaplanacanalpanama" is a palindrome!
Please enter a message ("q" to quit)
> abcd
The message "abcd" is NOT a palindrome!
Please enter a message ("q" to quit)
> q