Project #6: Lion's Den
Escape the Lion's Den with the power of 2D Arrays and OOP



Use the starter code at the bottom of this page.  Your program must use this structure.


Part A - Set Up Project 

Part B - Tour The Code

Part C - Accessor Methods

Part D - Den - Display

Part E - Moving the Player

Part F - Moving the Lions

Part G - Testing


Additional Danger

Main, Den, Player, Lion, Map.txt


// Main - Controls main event loop


public class Main


   // Global Variables    

   public static boolean win = false;

   public static boolean lose = false;

   public static Den den;

   public static void main(String[] args)


      den = new Den();

      // Keep game loop going until win or loss


      while(!win && !lose)


         // Display and update the game




      // Win or loss message



         System.out.println(" \n*** YOU WIN *** \n");




         System.out.println(" \n*** YOU LOSE *** \n");





// Den - Handles map and objects



import java.util.Scanner;

public class Den


   // Data

   private char[][] cells;

   private Player player;

   private Lion[] lions;

   private final int ROWS = 10;

   private final int COLS = 10;

   private final int NUM_LIONS = 5;  

   // Constructor

   public Den()


      cells = new char[ROWS][COLS];

      lions = new Lion[NUM_LIONS];



   // Accessors

   public boolean inBounds(int row, int col)


      return true;      // fix me


   public boolean canMoveToCell(int row, int col)


      return true;    // fix me


   public boolean hasExit(int row, int col)


      return false;     // fix me


   public boolean hasPlayer(int row, int col)


      return false;     // fix me


   public boolean hasLion(int row, int col)


      return false;     // fix me


   // Mutators

   public void update()


      // player moves


      // add code to make all lions move


   public void display()


      for(int i = 0; i < ROWS; i++) 


         for(int j = 0; j < COLS; j++)


            // If there is a player, print P in BLUE

            // Else If there is a lion, print & in YELLOW

            // Else print the value of the cell

            // Make sure you put a " " after each character

            // This makes the map more readable and shows its actual shape





   // This method is complete.  You don't need to edit it, but must *understand* it.

   public void readFile()




         File mapFile = new File("map.txt");

         Scanner scan = new Scanner(mapFile);

         int lionCount = 0;

         // Loop through the rows

         for(int i = 0; i < ROWS; i++)  


            String row = scan.nextLine();

            // Loop through the columns

            for(int j = 0; j < COLS; j++)     


               char input = row.charAt(j);

               // If there's a P, make the player at that spot

               // The cell under the player is just blank

               if(input == 'P')


                  player = new Player(i, j);

                  cells[i][j] = ' ';


               // If there's an &, make a lion at that spot.  Iterate through them.

               // The cell under the lion is just blank

               else if(input == '&')


                  lions[lionCount] = new Lion(i, j);


                  cells[i][j] = ' ';


               // Otherwise, simply store the data in cells



                  cells[i][j] = input;






      catch(FileNotFoundException e)


         System.out.println("Cannot find file!");





// Class Player - defines a player's behavior

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Player


   // Data

   private int row;

   private int col;

   // Constructor

   public Player(int r, int c)


      row = r;

      col = c;


   // Accessors

   public int getRow()


      return 0;     // fix me



   public int getCol()


      return 0;     // fix me


   // Mutators

   public void move()


      // Get User Input


      Scanner scan = new Scanner(;

      System.out.print("Choose a direction (n, s, e, w): ");

      String input =;

      // Move the player's position

      // If you're on an exit, you win

      // If you're on a lion, you lose

         // Hint:  To access global variables, use "Main."

         // Ex: Main.den.hasLion(row, col)




// Class Lion - Define's a lion's behavior

public class Lion


   // Data

   private int row;

   private int col;

   // Constructor

   public Lion(int r, int c)


      row = r;

      col = c;


   // Accessors

   public int getRow()


      return 0;     // fix me


   public int getCol()


      return 0;     // fix me


   // Mutators

   public void move()


      // Choose random direction

      // Move

         // Lion's can't walk through walls or each other

         // If a lion enters a player space, it's game over



Map <-- Lives in project file, but not src folder


#P    & ##

# # #    #

#    ## ##

# &     &#

#    #   #

##       E

#  #     #

# &  #&  #
