Welcome To
C++ Programming

Daily Schedule by Unit

Syllabus 2021-2022

Course Summary

This course is the capstone programming course at Dulaney High School. It will consist of two main phases. First, we'll do a crash course to translate what you learned in AP Java into C++. Then for the bulk of the year, you'll work in teams on large scale projects of your own design - in a language of your choice.


  • Flash Drive

  • Pencil or Pen

Unit Outline

  • Unit One - Software Design
    Build a mid-size project in a team and learn about Software Design practices. (Q1)

  • Unit Two - Learning C++
    Write console applications in C++. Review and master variables, conditionals, and loops. (Q1-Q
    2). This is usually our opening until Q2 as it is the most easily run as a self-paced course while Mr. M is out on paternity leave.

  • Unit Three - Astraeus
    Participate in an AI competition (Q3)

  • Unit Four - Capstone
    Build a large-scale project in a team; this is your masterpiece! (Q3-Q4)


  • This course uses "total points" rather than percentage categories.

  • Units 1 & 4: Independent Projects

    • You'll have biweekly checkpoints where you present your progress to Mr M for points

    • You will have more significant submissions for the Beta and Final releases for each project

    • Very similar to the final project in AP Java

  • Unit 2: Learning C++

    • This will look like a very "normal" course but for most of the unit will be largely self-taught while Mr. M is out on leave

      • A few programming projects due when Mr. M returns from leave

        • Late work = 80% maximum

      • A few quizzes due at specific dates

        • Open note Schoology quizzes: MC, matching, and true/false.

  • Unit 3 Astraeus

    • Graded based on the performance of your team's AI


  • If you love to write code, you're in the right place- it might just be your favorite class ever. If you don't like coding or really struggle with it, this class will feel like a lot of work.

  • You are going to be given a tremendous amount of freedom in this course. With great power comes great responsibility.

  • You'll be working in teams throughout most of this class, but they aren't static. You always choose your teams. If you don't pull your weight, you may find yourself struggling to find quality peers who will choose to work with you in the future.

Yan Chernikov

The Cherno