Custom Designs


Teams are encouraged to create their own art to add to the pool of unit styles.  You'll need to get Mr. M's approval for your design to submit it and have it added for use during trials and tournaments.

Every design must add something to the pool of styles.  Start with a unique silhouette and add details from there.  When your image is done, tested, and approved Mr. M will assign you images an ID value.  You can offer a suggested name, but Mr. M has final veto power.

If successful, your image will be permanently added to the pool of Astraeus images, and you will be credited in the project code.



Modifying Code / Test Images

Advice For Building Frames

In the above example, you see a MEDIUM and ASSAULT version of the same image. 

Before submitting your art, it is require that you smooth out the pixels.  Adding additional detail is up to your artistic discretion.